When booking on Busbud, you have multiple secure payment options that you can use. Please note, some are only available in certain countries, depending on your billing address.
Credit & Debit Cards
- Visa
- Mastercard
- American Express
- Diners Club
- Discover
- Troy
- Hipercard
- Bancotact
- Elo
- Prepaid cards
Digital Wallets
- Apple Pay
- Google Pay
- UnionPay
- WeChat Pay
Bank Transfer
- Przelewy24
- Giropay
- iDeal
- Trustly
- eps
- Sofort
Buy now, Pay later
- Afterpay
- Klarna
If your payment method is associated with a billing address in Argentina, Brazil, Mexico, or Peru, you can choose to pay for your trip in installments. You can choose to pay in up to 12 installments, depending on your bank's Terms & Conditions.
Still have a question?
Just drop us a line here. Our expert team will get back to you.
Happy travels!